My completely lopsided castle cake for the girls princess party...but they loved it and when asked what her favorite part of her birthday was, L replies "My castle cake!" Not the gifts, food, decoration, guests, it was the cake, so the time (and frustration) that went along with making it was so worth it. When I was little my mom used to make creative cakes she would see in Good Housekeeping or just make them up and I remember every one of them, the catepillar, treasure chest, ice skating rinc, etc. I don't remember gifts I recieved or even who was there...but I remember the effort my mom put into the cake and it means so much to do it for my kids now.

For E's class party this is her Valentine's Mailbox. Have to brag, it was the envy of all her friends, but I love crafting with her so we got really into it. The cups are filled with Valentine's candy that she gave out to her classmates. I stayed up until 2:30 am curling all those damn ribbons. But they looked cute and I am officially "coolest mom in the class." Especially after scoring bunches of tickets to the Hannah Montanna movie and bringing all E's friends. It was a blast though. Even Mr.C went. Mr.C and I go back and forth about the whole "role model" thing but E has never been interested in anything like this, she has always been such a bookworm, so we figure its ok to indulge her a bit. It's just fun, and she's so serious that she needs a bit of fun like that.

Maryland/DC trip. I think there is a picture in there of the backs of Mr.C, E, L, Mr.C's twin brother and his fiancee. You can even tell from the back how completely different they are for twins. The don't even look like brothers. His brother looks a good 7-8 years older than Mr.C (which is funny because his fiance is 38!!!) He's 31.
Oh - and notice Mr.C carrying my pink and green bag for me! It got to heavy with my back and all and he is such a good sport, doesn't bother him a bit to carry purses. Sigh...love him so much.
I love the princess cake! I am glad you all had fun in DC! We are headed to that area this weekend.
Great cake! Too funny I remember the cakes my mom made me too. I think of all the celebrities your daughter could pick out, Hannah Montanna seems like she has her head on straight. Love the D.C. pictures can't wait till the boys are old enough to bring them there.
Everything looks great! That cake must have taken you forever! You're an awesome mom!
I'm sick and tired of hearing about Hannah Montana from my students, but honestly, she seems relatively level headed, I think you daughter chose a good celebrity role model.
That cake is so fabulous!!! How did you do it!!!??
great cake! Isn't it so nice to create such wonderful memories....
We went to DC with the boys last year and had a fabulous time. So much so that C said he wasn't going to NH this year, he was going back to DC!!
Not so into Hannah Montana here (with 2 boys) but she seems relatively harmless...
I hope your back feels better soon! :)
I think that cake is awesome! I had a mishap with little man's cake and you're right, icing a cut cake is a nightmare. I fondly remember all the cakes my mom made for my birthdays. That's what really counts.
The cake looks great! And what a fun trip! I love DC!
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